Weightage for Mudaraba Deposits of Islami Banking

Type of Mudaraba Deposits Revised Weightage
Mudaraba Savings Account(MSA) 0.55
Mudaraba Special Notice Deposit Account(MSND) 0.50
Mudaraba Hajj Savings Scheme(MHSS) 10 years 1.05
5 years 1.05
3 years 1.05
Mudaraba Monthly Savings Scheme(MMSS) 10 years 1.05
5 years 1.05
3 years 1.05
Mudaraba Regular Income Program(MRIP) 1.05
Mudaraba Education Savings Scheme 15 years 1.05
10 years 1.05
7 years 1.05
5 years 1.05
Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt Account 3 Months General 1.10
Financial Inst. 0.65
Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt Account 6 Months General 1.10
Financial Inst. 0.65
Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt Account 12 Months General 1.10
Financial Inst. 0.65
Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt Account 24 Months General 1.05
Financial Inst. 0.65
Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt Account 36 Months General 1.05
Financial Inst. 0.65
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